Howdy, Stranger
My name is Joseph Burns. I started programming in my early twenties after struggling to find a career path following my undergraduate education in Journalism at the University of Connecticut. I pursued several creative endeavours in literature and music, but ended up finding programming while teaching myself how to develop video games in the Unity engine. I enjoyed the material and seemed to have a knack for it, and so I went back to school at Northeastern University for a Master's in Computer Science.
At Northeastern, I excelled in my coursework and sought several teaching assistant positions in addition to my regular curriculum in Foundations of Software Engineering and Fundamentals of Networking. I also conducted research with the IoT lab at Northeastern both as a volunteer and for credit during my graduate studies. I worked on devising real-time data visualization tools for monitoring IoT device network traffic and also devised a method to determine biases in different genders, ethnicities, and age groups in automated speech transcription software.
I graduated from Northeastern in the Spring of 2022, and am currently working as a Data Engineer for Mercari US build complex ETL pipelines and working with online data analysis and transaction processing systems.
If you want to check out some of the projects on my github, follow this link:
If you want to validate that I have also contributed to Mercari's tech stack in my current position, feel free to check my contribution stats, though no code here is public (for obvious reasons):